Embassy Suites Chevy Chase Pavilion Location

January 6, 2009

Use  Google Maps for directions to our location for the “New Ways of Knowing 2.0” event. The Chevy Chase Pavilion is at the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue, Western Avenue and Military Road in upper Northwest DC.

There is plenty of parking available (for pay) at the Chevy Chase Pavilion. The Friendship Heights metro station (Red Line) has an entrance adjacent to the Pavilion.

Register for New Ways of Knowing 2.0

January 6, 2009

I’m happy to report that the SCIP registration link for our upcoming half-day session is now live:


Please follow this link to register for the event.  Due to limited room capacity the event will be limited to 50 attendees, so we will close down registration once we have achieved that number.  If we have more than 50 pre-registered attendees we are not going to be able to support walk up attendees on the day.  It’s going to be an exciting and interactive session.  Register today to secure your place.